quinta-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2011

The Walking Dead


Hello, so now, I will talk about a Tv Serie that i like soooo much, It calls "The Walking Dead".
This series started to pass in the Tv in the last year and become e great success!! The serie already start great in the first episode!! the first minutes is a little slow but before it, you can see a lot of action :D
The main character is a cop officer called Rick that take a shot and become in coma for a time... after he wake up and see that the things are different. All the city was turned into Zombies.
By the time, Rick can found your family, his friend and another survivors, but Rick will found a lot of problems too.
The second season finished recently, and the third will start in february of next year, and I'm very anxious about It because this last season was grade.
I hope that everybody see the trailer that i put in this post and if you like, watch it :)
But the trailer don't show nothing really interesting... just the serie hehe

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